Joint pain, which is also called Arthritis in the language of medicine, is a disease in which there is pain on the joint of two bones. Pain in joints is the earliest symptom of arthritis, however, there may be many other diseases due to pain in joint. The pain of joints increases even more on the move, in such activities in which the pair has to be twisted, all the work increases the pain.
Along with aging, joints often complain. These pain can occur on your shoulders, knees and waist anywhere. The main reason behind this is the increase in uric acid in the body. There is no other way than taking the medicine when the pain increases. But sometimes spending money on expensive medicines can harm our body. But do you know that by following some easy home remedies, you can get rid of joint pain, without any side effects.
Home remedies can be removed to a considerable extent by the treatment of joints, and if they are adopted regularly, this pain can be removed. The easiest way to connect joints is to provide adequate relief to the joints and reduce the work of walking. Some exercises are also helpful in dealing with this pain, which can be restored by adopting it regularly.
Home remedies available for the pain of our joint, so apply it as per the needful.
Along with aging, joints often complain. These pain can occur on your shoulders, knees and waist anywhere. The main reason behind this is the increase in uric acid in the body. There is no other way than taking the medicine when the pain increases. But sometimes spending money on expensive medicines can harm our body. But do you know that by following some easy home remedies, you can get rid of joint pain, without any side effects.
Home remedies can be removed to a considerable extent by the treatment of joints, and if they are adopted regularly, this pain can be removed. The easiest way to connect joints is to provide adequate relief to the joints and reduce the work of walking. Some exercises are also helpful in dealing with this pain, which can be restored by adopting it regularly.
Home remedies available for the pain of our joint, so apply it as per the needful.
Oil Massage :
The deep oiled massage on the painless place is also an effective way to get rid of pain. Joint pain oil enhances blood circulation and removes pain and swelling in massage tissues made from a good oil for up to 20 minutes continuously.Rock Salt :
Mix the rock salt in hot water and keep the joints in it or keep the water flowing continuously at the place of pain. Ginger salt contains magnum sulfate, which is known as anti-arthritis and anti-inflammatory. Blood pressure increases with hot water and relaxes in joint pain.Apple Vinegar :
With the help of apple vinegar, joint pain can be reduced because it excludes all the toxic substances that accumulate in the middle of the collective cells and joints.Red Chilly :
Capsicin is found in Cayenne chilli, in which natural properties of pain reduction are hidden. Heat half a cup of coconut oil and add 2 teaspoons of Powder Canyon chilli. Use this oil on the affected area and wash it after leaving this part for about 20 minutes. Use this treatment many times daily in the day until your pain reduces.Garlic :
Garlic rises and proven to be very effective for joint pain patients, because it contains sulfur and selenium (amounts of sulfur and selenium). Treatment of joints and inflammation is done with the help of sulfur, and according to research, antimicrobial antarheumatic elements are also found in selenium. It has also been found that there is a considerable amount of selenium in rheumatic patients.Ginger :
Eat ginger tea or try to include ginger root or dry ginger powder in your diet. To make a cup of ginger tea, cut a small piece of ginger and keep it in a cup of water and boil for 10 minutes and then filter it. If you want to sweeten its taste, then a little honey can also be mixed in it.
Herbal Remedies For Joint Pain
Reviewed by sandipkhatri
May 09, 2018
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