Lung Cancer : Types, Solution, Symptoms and Causes

Lung cancer, Suppose cells develop in the human body as a controlled system, but there is a group of some cells that grow uncontrollably and develop. These cells are called cancer cells. These are of two types which are called benign cancer and malignant cancer which called lung cancer.

Disease Introduction :

Benign cancer are without cancer, but called malignant cancer are in cancer. The edge of the benign cancer cells is very slow, it does not spread. Whereas malignant cancer cells grow rapidly and also destroys their near normal tissues. They spread throughout the body. When the malignant cancer starts affecting the human body and the cancer cells are sent to other human tissues, then this condition is called cancer.

Lung cell cancer is also known as large cell called carcinoma. Large cell cancers often occur on the outer layer of the lungs. Therefore, the problems that occur affect the lungs. If it is not treated at the earliest, then it starts spreading rapidly in other organs.

Causes :

  • The risk of lung cancer can all be those who smoke. If you do not take smoke (cigarette) even until the lungs, then they are at risk of spreading the throat and mouth cancer. By hitting smoking, this danger can be reduced.
  • Smokers are present around or work in a smoke environment, they also have a risk of lung cancer. The most fearful of this is the small children.
  • Asbestos, Uranium, Arsenic and petrol refinery or factory affected who work in it.
  • Those who have tuberculosis, they are also at risk. Apart from this, radioactive gas radon also causes lung cancer.

Symptoms :

  1. The height of the fingers and thumb increasing.
  2. Breaking Sound
  3. Pneumonia in some cases
  4. Blooding on Cough
  5. Feeling fatigue
  6.  Continuously Cough in routine
  7. Weight loss or loss of appetite and difficulty in swallowing
  8. Increase skin of around the nail Paranioplastic phenomena
  9. Abnormalities in the chemical composition of the body
  10. Difficulty breathing or feel wheezing
  11. Headache or seizures and swelling of the face, neck or upper limbs
  12. Pain in the chest, shoulder or arm
  13. Pain in the bones

lung cancer picture

Now we should provided some solution to remove lung cancer from our body.

Operation of Lung Cancer :

During operation of lung cancer your surgeon proceeds lung cancer. With this very small part of healthy tissues is also extracted. The operation of lung cancer is of four types like Wedge resection, Segmental resection, Lobotomy, Pneumonectomy. If you go through surgery, your surgeon can remove lymph nodes from chest to check the symptoms of cancer.

Chemotherapy :

Chemotherapy is often used to destroy any cancer cells remaining in the body after surgery. It can be used even before surgery to shrink the cancer and remove it easily. In some cases, chemotherapy can be used to reduce the pain and other symptoms of cancer in extreme condition.

Radiation Therapy :

Radiation therapy can be used to kill any cancer cells that survive after surgery. It can also be used as the first treatment for lung cancer cases which can not be removed from surgery.

Targeted Drug Treatment :

Targeted drug remedies are new treatments for cancer, which target specific abnormalities in cancer cells. Targeted prescription drugs are often used in conjunction with chemotherapy drugs, for example christotinib.

Palliative Care :

Palliative Care Lung Cancer patients often experience symptoms of cancer as well as side effects of treatment. Supportive care, also known as palliative care, is a special area of ??treatment, in which efforts are made to reduce your symptoms. Your doctor may suggest that you meet a palliative care team immediately after your diagnosis, so that you can stay comfortable during and after your cancer treatment.
Lung Cancer : Types, Solution, Symptoms and Causes Lung Cancer : Types, Solution,  Symptoms and Causes Reviewed by sandipkhatri on May 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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