The brain is that important and delicate part of our body, which is related to the whole body. If there is any problem in any part of the brain, its effect also affects the activities of other parts of the body. If there is any problem related to the head or problems related to the brain, contact the specialist immediately. The diagnosis becomes easier when the disease comes in the right time.
There are mainly two types of tumors in the brain - the first is without tumor which gradually increases and the second meligrant tumor, which is cancerous. The first type of tumors are controlled by some medicines and those which are not cured, they are tried to recover from open surgery and gamma knife surgery but the cancerous tumors are completely cured. The place where tumor is in the brain is the most important thing.
Two things to look like,
Deterioration of the distant eyes
Unable to feel the handling and sensitivity of the hands,
Having difficulty in balancing the body,
Do not understand the cause of problems every day,
Changes in behavior,
Trouble hearing, (read more - treating discomfort in hearing)
Tiredness, (Read more - ways to relieve fatigue)
For some time forgetting things, (Read more - Measures to increase memory)
Difficulty speaking or understanding,
Changes in daily activities and their ability to do so etc. Mpletely cured. The place where tumor is the most important thing.
Here provided easy tips for remove brain tumor.
Surgery :
If the brain tumor is located in a place where operation is easy, then your surgeon will try to remove the maximum tumor.
In some cases, it is easier to separate the tumor from the small and the surrounding brain tissue, which is the perfect condition for a complete surgery.
While in some other cases, tumors can not be separated from surrounding tissues. Apart from this, he is located near the sensitive areas in the brain, in which the risk of surgery can not be taken. In this situation, your doctor removes the tumor with other safe methods.
Removal of part of brain tumor may help to reduce your symptoms.
The removal of brain tumor from surgery is at risk of infection and bleeding. Apart from this there may be other problems related to the location of the tumor.
Radiation Therapy :
High energy is used in radiation therapy, such as using x-rays to destroy tumor cells. Radiation therapy is done through the machine on the outer part of your body. On the other hand, in rare cases, radiation is taken from your body closer to the tumor of the brain.
External Beam Radiation :
External beam radiation treatment can treat the area of your brain where the tumor is located. Apart from this, it can also be used on your entire brain. Radiation in the entire brain is often used to treat the cancer, which has spread to the brain from any other part of the body.
Chemotherapy :
Chemotherapy is used to destroy tumor cells. Chemotherapy medicines can be taken in the form of pill or through injection in the blood vessel. There are many types of medicines available in chemotherapy, which can be used on the basis of cancer type.
There are mainly two types of tumors in the brain - the first is without tumor which gradually increases and the second meligrant tumor, which is cancerous. The first type of tumors are controlled by some medicines and those which are not cured, they are tried to recover from open surgery and gamma knife surgery but the cancerous tumors are completely cured. The place where tumor is in the brain is the most important thing.
Symptoms :
- Frequent headaches.
- Graduality of headache gradually,
- miting and nausea for no reason, (read more - home remedies for vomiting)
Blurring in view,
Two things to look like,
Deterioration of the distant eyes
Unable to feel the handling and sensitivity of the hands,
Having difficulty in balancing the body,
Do not understand the cause of problems every day,
Changes in behavior,
Trouble hearing, (read more - treating discomfort in hearing)
Tiredness, (Read more - ways to relieve fatigue)
For some time forgetting things, (Read more - Measures to increase memory)
Difficulty speaking or understanding,
Changes in daily activities and their ability to do so etc. Mpletely cured. The place where tumor is the most important thing.
Here provided easy tips for remove brain tumor.
Surgery :
If the brain tumor is located in a place where operation is easy, then your surgeon will try to remove the maximum tumor.
In some cases, it is easier to separate the tumor from the small and the surrounding brain tissue, which is the perfect condition for a complete surgery.
While in some other cases, tumors can not be separated from surrounding tissues. Apart from this, he is located near the sensitive areas in the brain, in which the risk of surgery can not be taken. In this situation, your doctor removes the tumor with other safe methods.
Removal of part of brain tumor may help to reduce your symptoms.
The removal of brain tumor from surgery is at risk of infection and bleeding. Apart from this there may be other problems related to the location of the tumor.
Radiation Therapy :
High energy is used in radiation therapy, such as using x-rays to destroy tumor cells. Radiation therapy is done through the machine on the outer part of your body. On the other hand, in rare cases, radiation is taken from your body closer to the tumor of the brain.
External Beam Radiation :
External beam radiation treatment can treat the area of your brain where the tumor is located. Apart from this, it can also be used on your entire brain. Radiation in the entire brain is often used to treat the cancer, which has spread to the brain from any other part of the body.
Chemotherapy :
Chemotherapy is used to destroy tumor cells. Chemotherapy medicines can be taken in the form of pill or through injection in the blood vessel. There are many types of medicines available in chemotherapy, which can be used on the basis of cancer type.
Brain Tumor Treatment Naturally : Ayurveda
Reviewed by sandipkhatri
May 17, 2018

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