Eye sight, eyes are the most important and beautiful part of the body, which sometimes becomes your identity too. Care of eyes is very important. Eye mates are most active in the body.so get rid from the eye sight.
In modern times, numbers of people's glasses are increasing due to factors such as heredity, stress of work, stress, lack of nutrition, more studies. In addition to protecting the eyes from dust and infection, here are some ways that can increase your eyesight. Let's know how home lighting can be enhanced by the way home remedies.
To keep your eyes from infection and other diseases, keep them safe from dirt and dust. It is your responsibility to take care of your body parts so that they look beautiful. Rescue is always good with treatment.
For eye sight there are some simple tricks to get relief and prevent the eye.
In modern times, numbers of people's glasses are increasing due to factors such as heredity, stress of work, stress, lack of nutrition, more studies. In addition to protecting the eyes from dust and infection, here are some ways that can increase your eyesight. Let's know how home lighting can be enhanced by the way home remedies.
To keep your eyes from infection and other diseases, keep them safe from dirt and dust. It is your responsibility to take care of your body parts so that they look beautiful. Rescue is always good with treatment.
For eye sight there are some simple tricks to get relief and prevent the eye.
Control Diabetes :
Often diabetic patients are more prone to eye diseases and have an impact on ability to see. In order to avoid eye defects during this, it is very important to keep diabetes in control. As much as possible, digestible and fibrous foods should be used in the diet. Trouble in the eyes due to sugar is a serious problem, due to which eye ops are severely affected and many times the power of seeing is destroyed at all. To avoid all these problems, always keep your sugar level under control and do not care about your diet, otherwise it may have to bear the consequences of your eyes.Some Exercise :
Take a pencil and write a letter in the middle of it and then mark it in the front of the arms in front of the eyes and focus on that mark. Now slowly move it towards the nose and keep focus. Bring it closer till it starts appearing in two parts, and as soon as it is divided into two parts, remove it and look for a little while leaving the eyes open. After a while, repeat it again 4 to 5 times. This is the best exercise to increase the eyesight.Eye Rotation :
Rotate your eyes 10 times in the direction of the clock needle and after 10 minutes rest, turn 10 times in the opposite direction. It keeps eyes healthy.Congenital Massage :
Massage the weakness of the eyes, massage both sides of the thumbs together in the clockwise direction and on the opposite side of the clock, and massage similarly between the nose joint and the forehead.Heat the Eyelids :
Rinse your palms and heat them and then keep them on both eyelids, then remove it again for 5 seconds, repeat this process 3 times.Nap :
After weakness of the eyes, sitting on the chair after resting with some urgent work, slip back in the head and snooze the eyes for 3 minutes. It refreshes the eyes.Lifestyle and Eating :
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, collared, kell, chard etc. are made of vitamins and minerals. Carrots are also very beneficial for your eyes. Omega 3 fatty acids are good and beneficial for your eyesight and overall health. Tuna and salmon prove to be the best option for you. They are delicious too. You can also eat nuts, bananas and beans. They are rich in protein.
Improve Eyesight Without Glasses : Frurant Health
Reviewed by sandipkhatri
May 17, 2018

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