Teeth are a very important part of our body, without which our appearance looks very bad. This is an idea that you might have seen seeing your grandparents. If you do not want to lose your teeth at an early age then it is very important to take care of your teeth daily. By not properly cleaning the teeth every day, the yellowness layer comes on them.
Most women nowadays are very aware of their teeth because they smile with yellow teeth, it has a great effect on their beauty and appearance. So, to remove yellow teeth, you must adopt some or other remedy.
Cause :
There can be many reasons for the yellowing of teeth. Increasing age, hereditary cause, improper dental hygiene, excessive consumption of tea and coffee, excessive consumption of tobacco and cigarettes can be the reason for yellowing of teeth. Often people do medical treatment to remove the yellowing of teeth, but it involves spending time and money. You can use some natural remedies to protect your teeth from the yellowing and stench problems.
For being a white teeth, there are many solutions provided here below, so read it and work on it properly.
Most women nowadays are very aware of their teeth because they smile with yellow teeth, it has a great effect on their beauty and appearance. So, to remove yellow teeth, you must adopt some or other remedy.
Cause :
There can be many reasons for the yellowing of teeth. Increasing age, hereditary cause, improper dental hygiene, excessive consumption of tea and coffee, excessive consumption of tobacco and cigarettes can be the reason for yellowing of teeth. Often people do medical treatment to remove the yellowing of teeth, but it involves spending time and money. You can use some natural remedies to protect your teeth from the yellowing and stench problems.
For being a white teeth, there are many solutions provided here below, so read it and work on it properly.
Salt and Mustard Oil :
The recipe for toothpaste by mixing salt in mustard oil is very old and accurate. It is used to whiten teeth like a certified home recipe. Mix two pinch of salt in half teaspoon mustard oil. Mix it with the help of fingers and make it like a cleaning the teeth through toothbrush in the teeth. The results are immediately visible, if you want to make teeth quick white, then make sure to use this experiment.Chewing Gum :
Chewing gum chewing is not only for the exercise of teeth and gums but also in ways to whiten teeth. They have the properties of yellowing of teeth, which makes the teeth shiny. If your teeth are yellow and you do not have time for other ways to treat them, then chew just chewing gum and make teeth white.Baking Soda :
Using baking powder, we can erase the yellow color of teeth. Take a big spoon of baking soda and mix it in half cup of water. Rinse with this mixture. Rinse two to three times a day for better results.Strawberry :
The good amount of strawberries is antioxidant and vitamin C, which helps to whiten the teeth. Take 3 strawberries and grind them and rub their teeth for 1 minute. Treat it 3 times every day in 1 week.Lemon :
Take a pinch of salt in lemon juice and rub your teeth. Lemon juice can be used instead of lemon juice. Rinse lemon peel on the teeth and then rinse it with water.Apple :
Acidity of apple helps to whiten teeth. Chew apples well and chew It contains a good amount of fibers which helps to whiten the teeth.Salt :
Salt is antibacterial, which gives whitening to the teeth by killing germs from the teeth. Apart from this, the mineral component is given to the teeth. While brushing teeth, do not rub the gums more so that they can be damaged.Charcoal :
Mix wooden coal powder in everyday toothpaste. Rub the teeth with it. By using 2 times a day the teeth will start shining.Orange Peel :
Before sleeping at night, rub teeth with orange peel. Vitamin C of orange kills teeth teeth germs. It makes the teeth stronger and more white.Basil :
We all know that basil is used for worship in the house, but it also has many medicinal properties. It is very surprising that in Tulsi there are properties of polishing teeth and removing the problems of teeth and mouth. To prevent teeth from yellowing, break the leaves of basil and keep them in the sun for a few hours. Once they are dry, grind them into grinder and grind them. You can also mix mustard oil with dry leaves of basil and massage the teeth.Banana Peel :
We all know that banana is rich in nutrients. You can also get many benefits from banana peels. Usually it is thrown into the trash, but it contains nutritious substances such as potassium, magnesium and manganese (potassium, magnesium and manganese). With the help of these substances your teeth can become shiny. Take a little bit of banana and rub its white part 2 to 3 minutes on the teeth. After this, leave it for 15 minutes and clean the tooth from normal toothpaste. By doing this for 2 to 3 weeks, you will start seeing results.Milk and Yohgurt :
Your teeth need calcium and phosphorus for better health. You can remove the problem of yellow teeth with the help of milk and yogurt mixture. This increases the amount of minerals in the enamel of your teeth. This is a great way for shiny teeth.Banyan Roots :
To overcome the problem of your teeth, the root of the banyan tree is very effective. This will give you naturally bright teeth. You can also use it as a toothbrush. Clean the tooth with the roots of banyan and throw it away. Their astringent properties prove to be beneficial in making the teeth bright and healthy.
How to Whiten Teeth Instantly : Cause and Treatment
Reviewed by sandipkhatri
May 13, 2018

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