Home Remedies for Fever : Cause and Treatment

In today's weather, viral fever is the main disease, which affects many people at once. You see many people coughing or sneezing around you. The number of people absent in schools and in office has suddenly increased. Viral fever or flu is a disease caused by influenza virus. It usually affects our breathing apparatus. Many people have frequent viral or flu, because the virus keeps on 'mutation' from time to time. Simply put, the virus changes its nature and appearance.

When you are suffering from fever, it is very important that you take enough nutrients. But along with this, your diet should be so simple that your digestive system does not have any difficulty in digesting this food. Eating a meal which is easy to digest and rich in nutritious substances is not difficult, and after reading this article, you will easily learn about eating the right foods during fever.

Avoid consumption of cream milk or milk products.Lava meat, fish, oysters, or any kind of meat should be avoided when eating kuchi, cholesterol from all these food items and it is not easy to digest.

Cause :

Viruses spread due to contaminated air or contaminated objects. When a sick person sneezes or coughs, the virus spreads in the air, and the surrounding person is affected by the virus, which also affects them. Apart from this, when the sick person clears his nose or mouth and if he does not touch his hand and touches the table, chair, phone, computer, door etc, then those things also become carriers of the virus and touching them also causes disease Spreads.

fever in the women
Here are provided information about the health, so use it as per the demand.

Raisins :

Dry grapes are called raisins. These are antioxidants and it helps to fight any type of infection within your body. There is vitamin c in raisins and it helps fight fever.

Garlic :

Diet for fever, is a herb. It helps in diseases. The intake of this leaf increases your body's medical power. If you take the juice of basil mixed with honey and hot water then your fever will recover faster.

Breakfast :

Eat juice in breakfast. The juice contains vitamin C which will strengthen the immune system in your body. Hot milk is also good during fever. To get better results, take a pinch of saffron and a spoonful honey. If you do not want to take much in breakfast then you can eat almonds or other dry fruits. Do not eat too much snack and eat light food, which will help to cure the fever.

Afternoon Lunch :

Take some carbohydrates in the food like bread! Take brown bread to remove indigestion. You can also take vegetable soup, curd, soya, boiled vegetables. Protein is good for your body! You can take eggs to increase white blood cells.

Night Dinner :

Dinner should be light! Do not eat indigested items. Salad and boiled vegetables are a good choice. If you like sprouts or beans, you can take them too! You can also take a vegetable soup.

Peppermint :

Mint is also an Ayurvedic treatment of fever. You have to take 10 to 12 leaves of mint and grind it. Boil this grated mint leaves in water and after boiling, add one teaspoon honey. Take this mint water for 304 times a day. Ayurvedic remedies are an easy way to get rid of fever quickly.

Turmeric :

Turmeric is a panacea for the treatment of fever. Turmeric has properties like antifungal antibacterial antivirus that eliminate fever virus and treat fever immediately. You have to take a spoonful of turmeric powder in a cup of hot milk and mix it well and take it before sleeping at night. In the morning you will see the fever decreasing and in 2 days you will get relief from the fever.
Home Remedies for Fever : Cause and Treatment Home Remedies for Fever : Cause and Treatment Reviewed by sandipkhatri on May 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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