Five Tips Of Eye Fatigue Cure

Eyes are a very delicate organ of the body and many such problems are such that they can be affected. There may be several causes of eye infection, but the main causes of this are the infection caused by small bacteria and viruses. Sometimes such infections occur due to some walking in the eyes such as dust or dirty. People who wear bad lenses are more likely to be victims of this infection.

Tightening the hours worked, due to dust, sunlight and pollution, fatigue in eyes has become a common problem nowadays. There are many reasons for this, such as sleep failure, working late on digital equipment, reading in low light, allergies, high light, or any other eye disease. Eye fatigue can also cause many problems, due to which the eyes are red, the burning sensation, the trouble in seeing, the dryness of the eyes, frequent watering, and the appearance of the blurring are the problems. It is therefore necessary to relieve the eyes from time to time.

Eye Massage :

Eye massage means that massage of the eyes is the best way to relieve the eyes of fatigue. With this, blood circulation in your eyes remains fine and muscles around the eyes also get relief. Eye massage also works well with your tier gland, which keeps your eyes wet and does not dry. To massage the eyes, massage the eyelids and bronchi muscles with your fingertips for 10 to 20 seconds. Then massage the lids and bones from 10 to 20 seconds. After this, light-light massage of bones above the cloth and cheeks. Taking it one or two times daily causes fatigue of the eyes.

Palms Massage :

When eyes are tired of reading for a long time or sitting in front of a computer or a TV, eyes get a lot of comfort when massage with palms. To do this, first put the rest in the comfort of your hands until they become warm. Now close your eyes and keep the palms on your eyes without giving more emphasis on the eyelids and completely relax. Then slowly open your eyes and look around you. It can be done four to five times a day.

Take Sunshine :

Sunbathing is an effective and easy way to relieve the eyes of fatigue. The important life energy of the sun is very beneficial for the eyes. But the sun should take between 8 to 10 in the morning. Also wearing glasses or contact lenses while sunbathing. Do not forget to massage the eyes lightly with the palms after sunbathing.

Wash Eyes With Cold Water :

If there is inflammation along with tension in the eyes, then it is compressed with cold water. For this, wrap some snow in a clean cotton clean cloth and keep it for a little while on your closed eyes. By this, in your eyes five to ten minutes, your eyes will swell and there will be no tiredness in the eyes.

Cucumber :

Eat cucumber or apply it, it brings benefits. As far as the fatigue of the eyes is concerned, keeping the pieces of cucumbers also removes the fatigue of eyes. Due to its fine quality, cucumber relaxes the tired muscles around the eyes. To use just put a medium cucumber in the fridge for 20 to 30 minutes, cut its thick and round pieces and put them under the eyes. This treatment can also be done with potatoes.

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Five Tips Of Eye Fatigue Cure Five Tips Of Eye Fatigue Cure Reviewed by sandipkhatri on May 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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