What is acidity? The problem of digestion is such a situation in which the upper part of the stomach is felt burning and pain. This irritation usually happens immediately after eating food. The main symptoms of the problem of digestion are pain in the upper part of the stomach, lack of appetite, dizziness and gas in the stomach. During this disorder, there is a sour taste in the mouth and there is a lot of stir in the stomach, after which there is usually a problem of constipation or diarrhea.
Today, the problem of acidity in the society has become quite common. This problem occurs when the acid present in the stomach comes to the phosphate. It also causes irritation problems in many people's heart. We should know about acidity symptoms, acidity medicines. Should try to diagnose this problem completely or else it may also change in some major disease. Asofagase line can also be destroyed due to this problem.
Today, the problem of acidity in the society has become quite common. This problem occurs when the acid present in the stomach comes to the phosphate. It also causes irritation problems in many people's heart. We should know about acidity symptoms, acidity medicines. Should try to diagnose this problem completely or else it may also change in some major disease. Asofagase line can also be destroyed due to this problem.
Cause :
- The problem of digestion occurs when the stomach acids come back to the mouth and it occurs when the stomach's door is not functioning properly. The main factors of this problem are overweight, sleeping soon after eating, excessive eating, excessive consumption of fried foods.
- This is also a major symptom of indigestion. The reason for this is that stomach acid has to reach your throat, resulting in your mouth becoming bitter.
- Many respiratory diseases, such as cough are caused by burning sensation, mainly due to the stomach acids reaching your lungs.
- Cinnamon common paste works as a natural antacid for your stomach and helps your stomach get relief by helping to absorb hazard and food. To get relief, take cinnamon tea to correct the infections in the gastrointestinal area.
- When you consume coconut water, it becomes your pH acidic level (alkaline) level of acid. It also helps in the formation of mucous in your stomach, which prevents the stomach from harmful effects of the extra acid production. Because it is composed of fiber, so it helps prevent digestion from reproduction by helping with digestion.
- Consumption of green juices proves to be beneficial for a variety of diseases, including infections in the stomach. Green juice alkalize the body and reduces inflammation, and also helps in digesting food by controlling gas juices. If you take them about 30 minutes before eating, they are most effective. If you are experiencing bad breath even in the morning or even in the evening, you can eat them at such times.
- After eating, there is a complaint of acidity, it is very beneficial to remove jaggery in order to remove it. Eat some molasses after eating; Digestion is also better than doing it and the problem of acidity is also removed.
- It is one of the main ingredients found in the kitchen. Grind ginger and soak her juice. Now cut a lemon and take out its juice and put it in a small utensil and mix both of them well. Now take this mixture. This will benefit greatly.
How to Cure Acidity Permanently : Frurant Health
Reviewed by sandipkhatri
May 24, 2018
very useful post. Eliminate heartburn issue naturally and safely with the use of natural acidity treatment.